Thursday, October 20, 2005


Dreams can come True

So there i was sitting on my couch enjoying a Rerun of Seinfeld on the tube and i here some activity outside my door. Now usually i don't give a fuck about the world when i am on the couch and just enjoying myself, so who was i to break tradition. Some sounds outside without was not going to make me part with my comfort and solace, but then i hear it, sweet sounds,of the feminine kind. My balls react as they should, hey the voice was kind of sexy, my testicles were intrigued and they talked me into going to the door.

If there is a picture next to the word reluctance in the dictionary i am sure you would have found my picture at that exact moment. But the thought that this was a sexy counterpart of the human genome was tantalising. I opened the door, almost to scared to be dissapointed, and there she stood, complete with the tight t-shirt and loose fitting dockers. Shit the face reminded me of a commercial i had seen on TV, was she a model , it can't be i said to myself.

Introductions were in order, and sure as hell we got to talking i helped her with some of the remainder baggage from the lobby into her apartment. My new neighbour,(sigh) this was maybe #30 on my list of top 100 fantasies. A beautiful model living not more than 4ft. of my door. I know what you are thinking there is a catch, hey i give you credit for thinking that, there is... her parents are with her.

Chennakeshav loves challenges so i tried to make them as comfortable as possible and made conversation. Tried to be funny, hell i was making them all laugh. That night they came over to our place, i live with my family too. Both the families started bonding, i did not leave her side for a single moment.

Two weeks after she moved in there was really no movement in the relationship, mostly i was scared to death to make a move and boy i was right because as i got closer to her i realised she was with somebody and that she was quite happy until oneday.

So this saturday afternoon she comes a'knocking at my door,her eyes were puffy and she said she wanted to talk. So we go to my room and i comfort her, the worst or rather something great had happened she had just gone splitsville with her boyfriend. There i am looking at the Meg Ryan poster in my Bedroom and wondering if this is going to turn out like "When Harry Met Sally" and we were going to have the greatest sex of our lives when she says..."You know what you are a nice guy , you are the kind of guy who would never bed a girl without considering her feelings, and never ever take advantage of her situation. Your just a NICE guy."

What was i going to do after hearing that, i quitely led her back to her place and just placed myself on the couch, and smiled to myself NICE guy! there will be other Saturday Afternoons.

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